Welcome to the Recording Division of the Lake County Clerk's Office
Land Records eSearch
To use this search tool, you are required to register an account and accept the terms of service.
A Word of Caution: Searching land records can be difficult, especially for the beginner. Prior to making any investment decision, we suggest that you seek professional help. Title companies employ professional searchers that are familiar with the complexities of searching records using a variety of sources and techniques. Title companies and legal professionals rely on the information revealed by the searches to make their decisions. Please do not make the mistake of underestimating their skills and the important role they serve in Illinois real estate transactions.
If this is your first visit, please select CREATE AN ACCOUNT (the link is located below the login fields to the left) and complete the account registration process. Please note that an email address is required, and you will need to accept the terms of service to access our database.
If you are a return user, enter your USER ID and PASSWORD in the fields to the left and click the SIGN IN button. You may occasionally be prompted to renew your acceptance of the terms of service before accessing our database.
New users (and return users with expired subscriptions) will then be required to select a subscription service level. You will have the following choice to select from:
1 day (24 hours) for $5.00
30 days for $50.00
Upon making that selection, you will be prompted to enter your credit card payment. We accept Discover, MasterCard and VISA and all payments are processed in a secure PayPal environment.
Please note: The subscription fee covers only the searching/viewing of data and images - obtaining copies of the images (either saved or printed) requires a $1.00 per page payment.
Attention homeowners
Individual plats of survey are not normally submitted to the Lake County Clerk's Office.
If you did not receive a plat of survey at your closing, then you will most likely need to contact a professional land surveyor to prepare a new plat for you.
Attention surveyors and plat users
If you wish to order a plat, the version available through this subscription is a lower resolution and may not provide the detail necessary for you to complete your work.
We are now offering online access to the database containing the 400DPI full size images. Access is free and plat copies are $5.00 per page. For more information about how to set up access, please send an email to recorder@lakecountyil.gov
If you receive error messages while attempting to login, you may want to clear out the DNS cache of your PC to see if that solves the problem. For further assistance with the login process or if you have any other questions, please send an email to recorder@lakecountyil.gov
return to the Recording Division of the Lake County Clerk's Office home page -- https://www.lakecountyil.gov/recorder